Taught in association with 流浪風潮獨木舟海洋學校 Formosa Kayak School in Taipei, Taiwan.
During a coastal journey of 6 to 8 miles (10 to 12 km), Laura and Kelly will help you assess and develop your personal skills and help grow your knowledge and experience so that you feel ready to explore the open coast with other paddlers. We will work on learning, refinement, and application of strokes relevant to maneuvering in the open coast environment, water reading, and use of environmental features in rock gardens. We will also discuss risk assessment and challenge you to think about what to do if things do not go to plan.
Prerequisites: Students must have knowledge of how to perform self and assisted rescues. They must also be comfortable and competent paddling in waves up to 3 ft (1 m) and winds up to 15 knots. Experience launching and landing in the surf is strongly encouraged.
Class size: 8